Metallic Rouge
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included
After a long day, high schooler Shintaro Tokumitsu’s plans for relaxing in his studio apartment take a turn when he discovers an angel on his balcony. The divine girl, Towa,…
Dragon Prince Yuan
A young man with his brush plunges into a chaotic world and lights up the heavens. In a world where cultivators are paramount, will the vermilion bird swallow the dragon,…
Captivating the King
Amid a royal and political power struggle, a king entangles with an intriguing woman — whose hidden desire for revenge transforms into unintended love.
The Mind Behind Power
La Mente del Poder is an exciting Argentine show that mixes psychological tension with political drama. Starring Mike Amigorena, it shows the stress of being a leader and gives viewers…
Asakura Hana finds that being the son of Asakura You & Anna isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and his boredom has him itching for any kind of excitement….
Comedy Chaos
After getting kicked out of his own company, a hapless man must juggle his delicate marriage and his struggling comedy club.
Billionaire Island
The ruthless owner of a Norwegian fish farming company plans a hostile takeover of her local rival to become the world’s largest salmon producer.