Isekai Onsen Paradise
The story centers around Yoshizou Yukawa, a major hot spring fan who finds hidden springs to revitalize the economy of the local area. However, he dies after falling off a…
Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?
In a world where humans triumphed in a great war, Kai guards sealed crypts containing their enemies. But when “World Rebirth” overwrites history, he’s thrust into an alternate reality where…
SAS: Catching the Criminals
Ex-SAS leader Billy Billingham takes viewers on an immersive journey that looks at how police and enforcement teams are increasingly using military and SAS tactics to catch criminals.
Bad Cop
Twin brothers on the opposite sides of the law get caught in a complex web of deceit, loyalty and betrayal.
The Legend of Heroes
In the late Southern Song Dynasty, as the Jin forces invaded, the Guo and Yang families faced tragedy. Taoist Qiu Chuji and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan bet to train…
Doctor Slump
Once rivals in school, two brilliant doctors reunite by chance — each facing life’s worst slump and unexpectedly finding solace in each other.
Terminator Zero
A warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unfeeling — and indestructible — cyborg.
Dead Cells: Immortalis
On a cursed island plagued by a strange plague called “the Malaise”, a king has his alchemists develop a remedy to save his people from the disease… but the antidote…
A Gentleman in Moscow
Count Alexander Rostov finds himself going from riches to rags following the Russian revolution. A Soviet tribunal banishes him to the attic room of an opulent hotel, where, oblivious to…
The Loyal Pin
Her Serene Highness Aninlaphat, or Princess Anin, and Mom Rajawongse Pilanthita, or Khunying Pin, have been close since they were young. When Princess Anin is fifteen, she must travel to…
The Tyrant
A secret project in Korea is exposed to the US so the project gets scrapped and the sample is to be handed over when a delivery accident occurs. Director Choe…